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Simple Control Panel DNS Configuration With Cisco PIX 501 Hardware Firewall

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$1 Domain Registration
Last Updated: November 11, 2017 11:01 AM

Adding the Cisco PIX 501 hardware firewall to an existing hosting account may result in problems with the external resolution of new domains. When a new domain is created through Simple Control Panel, a DNS zone record is created that associates the domain with the Simple Control Panel IP. When the Cisco PIX 501 hardware firewall is present, the Simple Control Panel IP address is internal (10.x.x.x) and not accessible to outside traffic.

To Configure Simple Control Panel DNS Zone Files

  1. Log on to Simple Control Panel.
  2. Click System Configuration in navigation and select DNS.
  3. Next to the domain you want to modify, click the Edit icon.
  4. At the bottom of the window, find all occurrences of your internal IP address (10.x.x.x) and replace with your external IP address.
  5. Click Save.

    NOTE: Your Cisco PIX 501 hardware firewall must be configured to make the necessary translation from external to internal IP addresses.

NOTE: IP address allocation is monitored. Attempting to add IP addresses to your server that have not been purchased is a violation of your terms of service agreement and may result in the suspension of your account.

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