What Paths do I Use to Upload PERL Files and Use the PERL Interpreter?
By default, you can publish your PERL files using one of the following file paths:
- /home/content/u/s/e/username/html/file.pl
- FTP to /file.pl
- For hosting config 2.0, you can use any directory.
NOTE: You must specify execute permissions on the file before it will work.
If you have a CGI/Perl or Java enabled account, the system path to our Perl interpreter is:
CGI binaries must end in .cgi or .pl and must be in the /cgi directory for you to use. You cannot use /cgi-bin/ with our hosting system.
Example of a Test PERL Script
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "Greetings user.\n";