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Glossary of Technical Terms

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Last Updated: September 11, 2017 1:42 PM

Terms beginning with A-C

AAAA record
AAAA Records store a 128-bit Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) address, which do not fit the standard A Record format. It maps the hostname to an address associated with a domain name and specifies that AAAA Records must be processed.
Admin Contact
The Admin Contact represents the domain registrant and domain name. This contact is authorized to initiate changes with the domain registrar.
Admin email
The Admin Email is listed for the administrative contact for the domain. During the transfer process, the Admin Email receives information relevant to the completion of the transfer.
Affiliate Program
An Affiliate Program gives individuals access to their site to provide their products or services.
Aliased Nameserver
An Aliased Nameserver is owned by a hosting provider that can be labeled by an individual.
The Apache program is a well known open source web server. It supports Perl and PHP scripts.
An Applet is a java application that can run inside a web page and is independent of the operating systems on which it runs.
Application Service Provider
An Application Service Provider offers software application abilities to users over the Internet from a centralized data center.
An Archive displays a collection of all of a blogger's posts on one page categorized by date or category.
A Record
An A Record is the part of the zone file that directs the domain name to a specific IP address. A Records are modified routinely when users want to point their domain name to the IP assigned to their hosting account.
Assisted Server
An Assisted Server has admin capabilities managed by the hosting account and generally include additional technical support for the server.
The Microsoft scripting language, ASP or ASP.NET is used in building dynamic websites. Typically sites with ASP are compatible with Windows accounts.
Audio Streaming
A widely used feature, Audio Streaming provides audio content or music on a website. Audio Streaming increases a Web site's bandwidth usage significantly.
Authentication identifies an individual usually with a username and password.
Authorization Code
The Authorization Code grants authority or permission for the completion of the transfer to the customer's new domain provider.
Auto Responder
The Auto Responder sends a preprogrammed response automatically to emails received. This service provides a brief response that alerts customers that you are on vacation and will respond when you are back in the office.
The high speed line or series of connections known as the Backbone forms a major pathway inside of a network.
A Backorder puts a user in line to capture a domain name before it expires and is released to the market.
Most web hosts offer Backups of data on their servers every twenty four hours to prevent lost information.
The Bandwidth is the capacity of a site or connection to carry information. Bandwidth plays an important role in how many visitors can download a site at a time with efficiency.
A Blog is the abbreviation for Weblog. Blogs represent opinions or thoughts of the website author and are updated on a consisted basis for viewing by the general public.
A Blogcast is a blog and a podcast both merged into a single website.
A Blogger is the author of a Weblog.
Blogging is the act of writing and posting to a blog.
A Blogosphere is the Internet blogging community.
A Blogroll is a list of links to other blogs located in the sidebar.
Browsers are applications used to view and work on the Internet. Popular Browsers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.
Browser Report
A Browser Report provides a thorough breakdown of popular web browsers each time they visit a user's website.
Business Registration
Business Registration provides customers with additional information on the whois directory results in regards to business hours and other company specific information.
An image known as a Captcha contains a numerical or alphabetic code used on web pages to prevent accounts from being created by spiders or programs.
Carbon Copy
The Carbon Copy option sends a second copy of each email to the address the account owner indicates.
Cash Parking
Cash Parking is an online monetization system for domains that uses parked pages with commercial listings. Each time a pay per click ad is visited from the page it generates revenue for the domain owner.
A Catch-all is an email account for a domain that catches all of the email addressed to the domain name is known as a Catch-all. These accounts ensure businesses that they won't miss any email by sending any email message ending in their domain name to the Catch-all account, whether or not the first portion of the address is spelled correctly.
Certified Domain
A Certified domain provides the owner's Web site with a certified seal that alerts customers that the owner is the legal originator of the domain. This feature eases customer concerns and assures them that vendors are who they say they are.
The CGI program is used for translating data from a web server to display in on a web page or in an email. The transfer of data between the script and the server allows html pages to interact with other applications.
CGI bin
The CGI Bin stores CGI scripts on the server.
Click-through describes the ratio of clicks on a specific advertisement or banner ad.
Clustered Hosting
Clustered Hosting eliminates issues typical of shared hosting by providing customers with a way of handling security, balancing loads and vital site resources.
A Cname contains the name of the client's principal identifier.
Co-location entails renting a secure space with reliable network connectivity in a data center while maintaining personal user equipment.
Co-location Center
A Co-location Center is a kind of data center where multiple customers locate networks.
Commentators leave remarks in relation to a blog entry.
Comments enable readers to leave their feedback to blog posts.
A Cookie is a message that the Web server sends to the Web browser. The browser stores the messages in text files. These messages are sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page and help to identify users and prepare customized logins for them.
Country Code
A Country Code is a two letter abbreviation for a country after the dot in a domain name.
Cron Jobs
The Cron Jobs are a tool used to schedule commands to be executed periodically.
Custom MX records
Custom MX records are created when a user's hosting is active through one provider and their email service is active through another.

Terms beginning with D-F

Data transfer
Data transfer is the amount of data transferred from an account as site viewers visit pages on the website. Sites with an abundance of audio, video and images that generates a large amount of traffic should consider selecting a hosting plan and provider that allows for a high range of data transfer.
A DBA or Database Administrator is in charge of the physical aspect of the data warehouse including design, performance and maintenance work like backups.
Dedicated Hosting
Dedicated Hosting is generally reserved for one Web site and is used by individual clients.
Dedicated IP
A Dedicated IP is used to preview a site before publishing to the world wide web.
Digital Signature
A Digital Signature is an encrypted message that ensures a message was sent by the person who claims to have sent it.
The Domain Name System or DNS stores information on domain names and host names.
A Domain is the part of the URL that locates a group or entity on the Internet.
Domain locking
A free security feature offered by Registrars called Domain Locking prevents unauthorized transfers of a domain to another registrar or host.
Domain monitoring
Domain Monitoring tracks domains of interest by alerting users when changes are made to the domain.
Domain privacy
Domain Privacy keeps the registrant's contact information confidential from the Whois directory online. This service prevents spam from becoming an issue.
Domain Transfer
A Domain Transfer moves the domain from one registrar to another. Customers have to wait 60 days to transfer domains after a purchase, a renewal or a change to the domain information.
The free software, Drupal allows individuals or a community of users to publish, manage and organize content on a website with ease.
Dynamic Web Page
A Dynamic Web Page has changing information or provides interaction for users in someway.
E-commerce functionality allows for online purchases of items or services by credit card or PayPal payment.
Email is the process of sending messages in electronic form that can include text, images and video files.
Email Forwarding
Email Forwarding redirects email from one email address to another email address. This service accommodates customers who want to continue using their personal email, but would like a more business-identified address for their clients to reference.
The Encryption process converts data from its original form to a form that can only be used by authorized users.
Encrypted Password
An Encrypted Password is a password that has been camouflaged to prevent hacking.
Expandable Post Summaries
Expandable Post Summaries are a short portion or teaser of a blog post on the index page that links users to the full entry.
A Favicon is a small graphic that appears to the left of the web address in the address bar.
A Firewall secures a network and protects it from access by unauthorized viewers.
The Footer is the bottom portion of the blog that lists navigation and copyright information.
Macromedia's widely known animation software, Flash, requires little bandwidth and displays a moving or changing sequence of graphics. Flash is commonly used to provide Web sites with graphically driven introductions.
A Forum is a Web site where users post messages and replies on topics of interest.
The Forwarding process directs a domain to another web address to view the content of another site using the original domain name.
Front page
The HTML editor, Front Page is a widely known HTML editor created by Microsoft for building websites.
File transfer protocol, or FTP is a way to transfer files across the Internet.
FTP backup
FTP Backup entails backing up data to a remote computer using FTP connection.
FTP Client
An FTP Client is a Software that assists users in using file transfer protocol to upload to their sites.
FTP user
The FTP user is the user account to upload to a website.
Fully qualified Domain
A Fully Qualified Domain includes the host.

Terms beginning with G-I

Google Sitemap
Google Sitemap allows a webmaster to tell Google about URLs on a site that are available for crawling.
A gTLD is a generic top level domain. gTLDs are usually three letters and usually describe organizations and political structures.
Guest Book
A Guest Book is an area on a website where site visitors leave their name and information or feedback related to the site content.
The Header is the top portion of the blog that lists the blog title.
Hit Counter
A Hit Counter keeps a record of how many visits a Web site receives.
Hosting is the storage space or capacity for a Web site on the Internet.
Host Country
The Host Country specifies in which country the host resides.
Host Name
the Host Name is the name given to a machine which is the part of the Internet address located just to the left of the dot.
Host Report
A Host Report identifies the fifty ISPs or computers that visit the site most frequently.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a simple markup language used in writing website documents.
HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the set of regulations for making the transfer of files on the World Wide Web.
Hyper Text is a collection of documents containing links that allow the reader to move easily from one document to another.
IANA or the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority oversees registration for different Internet Protocol parameters, including port numbers, protocol and enterprise numbers, options, codes and types.
ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is a non-profit corporation given responsibility from the US Government to manage the Internet domain name system.
IIS is an informational web server used for Windows operating systems. Some site building programs are only compatible with specific IIS versions.
IMAP or Internet message Access Protocol retrieves mail and views or manipulates it on the server.
Index Page
An Index Page is a default page displaying automatically when the top level of a web site is accessed by a user. Most Index Pages are named index.htm or index.html.
An Intranet is a large internal network usually established by companies to improve communication efficiency. The access to Intranets are restricted to authorized users.
Internationalized Domains
Internationalized Domains are domains that contain characters with diacritics from non-English languages or characters from non-Latin scripts.
IP Address
An IP Address is a set of numbers divided by periods that specifies a location for the TCP/IP Protocol.
Ip Banning
IP Banning prevents abusive users from posting to websites.
IRC or Internet Relay Chat is a real-time service that enables people from all over the world to communicate through a chat system on the Internet.
ISDN or Internet Services Digital Network is a service providing WAN combined transmission analog and digital services.
The ISP or Internet Service Provider provides the user with Internet services.

Terms beginning with J-L

Java is comprised of a number of computer programs that together provide a source for developing cross-platform applications.
Java Servlets
A Java Servlet is a program running as a part of a network service, usually on an HTTP server and responds to requests from clients.
Joomla is a free, open source content management system coded with PHP for publishing content on the Internet and Intranets.
Java Server Pages, or JSP is a technology for controlling the content or appearance of web pages and generating XML.
Linux, a system originally created by Linus Torvalds, is a free open-source operating system based on Unix.
Load balancing
Load Balancing is a feature which distributes the processing and communications activity between components in order to minimize the resources used and time spent waiting by any individual component.
Log file
A Log file is a text file maintained on a server that displays where all files accessed are located.

Terms beginning with M-O

Mailing List Software
Mailing List Software is a promotional tool that distributes newsletters and updates to customers.
A Marquee is a line of text inserted on a website that scrolls across the page to draw the attention of viewers.
Masking a domain name keeps the original domain in the address bar after the domain is directed or forwarded to another domain name.
Message Highlighting
Message Highlighting color codes mail to alert the recipient of important senders.
Meta Tag
A Meta Tag is an html tag that contains information for search engines about a specific web site. Meta tags contain key words or phrases alerting search engines on what a site is about so that it generates beneficial traffic from users requesting related information.
Meta Title
The Meta Title is the title for a web site that is inserted with meta coding. Meta Titles help search engines to direct appropriate results to web sites from searches.
Multipurpose Internet Email Extensions, or Mimes, allow users to transfer audio, video and image files through email.
Mirror Sites
A Mirror Site is an exact copy of another site that balances and spreads traffic load on busy web sites.
Multihoming is the ability to have multiple network addresses in one computer.
Mx Records
Mx Records are part of the DNS that include information about the mailservers and priorities for a specific domain name.
Name server
A Name Server is a host or computer server that has the software and the data (zone files) necessary to resolve domain names to Internet Protocol (IP) numbers. Domain names require a minimum of two name servers hosted on separate networks.
News Group
A News Group is a USENET discussion group.
Non-primary hosted domain
Any hosted domain other than the primary. It can point to either the hosting content root or a subdirectory off the root.
ODBC Sources
ODBC Sources or Open Data Base Connectivity Sources is a general way for databases and applications to communicate.
Off-site DNS Server
An Off-site DNS Server backs the data in the event that the first server goes down.
Operating System
An Operating System shares a computer system's resources including the processor, memory, disk space, network and bandwidth.
Overage protection
The Overage protection feature prevents customers from going over on their hosting bandwidth and being charged for the space they go over.

Terms beginning with P-R

Packet Switching
Packet Switching is a method of breaking data down into smaller packets before transferring and then reassembling at the final destination.
Parked Page
A Parked Page is a temporary web page that reserves the domain till the Web site or hosting is active. Domain owners are able to reserve their domains with a Parked Page for any time frame necessary without a penalty.
Parking reserves a domain that is inactive. Parked domains will display a temporary Web Page until the site is active.
Practical Extraction and Reporting Language, or Perl is a script that processes text.
A Permalink links to a specific article in the archives of a blog and remains valid after the article is no longer listed on the front page of the blog.
Phishing is a form of Internet fraud used to steal personal and payment information. To avoid Phishing, make sure an ssl certificate is enabled before making a payment or submitting valuable information to a website. If an ssl certificate is installed on the site the address will start with an https. This will make the chances of third party viewing less likely.
A Ping or Packet Internet Groper is a utility that determines if another computer is presently connected to the Internet.
A Podcast is an audio or video production posted to a web page. Podcasts allow users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically.
Pop3 Server
A POP 3 Server is a server that connects email clients like Outlook and Apple Mail with mail servers.
A Post is an entry posted to a blog that includes an individual article or an audio or video file.
Power Cycle
A Power Cycle is a way of rebooting a Virtual or Dedicated Server.
Podcasting is a way of sharing audio and video files online that often utilizes feeds for playback on mobile devices and personal computers.
Primary hosted domain
A primary hosted domain is the main domain on a hosting plan. It always points to the hosting content root.
Primary Server
A Primary Server or Primary Name Server of a domain is where other name servers are directed for authoritative information regarding the domain and its corresponding IP.
Propagation is the time frame a process undergoes while the request or modification is being completed.
Protected Registration
Having Protected Registration on a domain prevents most domains transfers, domain expiration and helps to maintain important domain information.
RAID or Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives is technology involving the simultaneous use of two ore more hard disk drives to achieve higher levels of performance, dependability and larger data volume sizes.
Ram or Random Access of Memory is used by programs in performing system tasks.
Real Time
Real Time is the time in which reporting of events or recording of events occur at the time of the event.
Redemption Fee
A Redemption Fee is an $80.00 fee that must be paid to renew domains that have been expired for 19 days or longer. The Redemption Fee is initially paid by the Registrar to extend the registration and prevent the domain from being backordered or going onto the market.
Redemption Period
The Redemption Period is the 42 day time line available to domain owners to renew a domain after the expiration date. From Day 19 and on the domain registrant can renew with a Redemption fee.
Redemption Status
When your domain is in Redemption Status it has passed the expiration date, but has been reserved for an extended time frame for the domain owner on behalf of the domain registrar.
The Registrant is the individual or organization that registers a domain name and holds the right to use it. The Registrant is considered the legal owner of a domain name.
A Registrar has access to a domain registry and the ability to provide domain names to individuals and companies.
A Registry is a database associating DNS information with an individual, a legal entity or operational entity.
Remote Connection
A Remote Connection is a link between a modem and a network through a dial-up connection.
A Reseller is a company or person with hosting and domain capabilities provided by an ICANN approved registrar.
Robots (search engine robots) read text and follow links to gather information for search engine databases.
The Root is the top of the domain name System hierarchy usually known as the “dot”.
Root Server
The Root Server is the portion of the hosting account or server that has privileges to access all of the places or documents on that computer.
RSS or Rich Site Summary is a method of subscribing to news sites and blogs that will display the updates from that source on your webpage.
RSS Feed
An RSS Feed provides items containing short descriptions of web content or articles with a link to the full version of the content.
RTLDs are top level domains (.biz, .name, .gov) that are only available for registration to registrants who meet specific criteria.
Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework written in Ruby to simplify web development and create more efficient results.

Terms beginning with S-U

Saved Skins
Saved skins are design layouts stored in programs for later use or repeated use.
Scalability is the ability of a piece of software of hardware to increase in size as necessary.
Screen shot
A Screen shot is an image of a Web site or document you can email or send to other users online. To take a Screen Shot hold down the Alt key and the Print Screen key at the same time and paste into an image document.
Secondary Server
The Secondary Server is designated to take over in the event the Primary Server fails.
Security Code
A Security Code is a code sent from the gaining registrar to the admin email on file for the domain to verify that the domain owner actually requested the transfer of the domain.
Server Log
A Server Logis a file automatically started and maintained by a server of activity performed by it.
Server Log
A Server Log is a file automatically started and maintained by a server of activity performed by it.
Shared Hosting
Shared Hosting is the allocation of small pieces of a server's storage, applications and bandwidth for unique users.
Shell Account
A Shell Account permits users to edit their files online in real-time instead of making changes to their site offline and then updating the changes.
A Sidebar is one or more columns along one or both sides of blogger's home page. The Sidebar is generally used for links, calendars or lists.
Simple Control Panel
A Simple Control Panel is a basic control panel available with most Linux based servers.
The Sitemap allows a webmaster to tell inform engines of URLs on a site that are available for crawling.
SMTP or Simple Mail Transport Protocol is a TCP/IP protocol that governs electronic mail transmission and reception program.
SMTP Relays are sent and received by a few systems at each site called Mail Hosts.
SMTP Server
An SMPTP Server is a computer forwarding Internet email messages using SMTP protocol like Sendmail.
Social Bookmark
A Social Bookmark allows users to take bookmarks suggested by others and add them to their own personal collections. These bookmarks can be received by subscription.
Spam is any junk email or unsolicited email.
Spam Filter
A Spam Filter allows users to block messages from known spammers.
Spiders are software robots that crawl websites and gather information for search engine databases from web content and links.
SPF Record
An SPF Record or Sender Policy Framework is an information record that validates legitimate email sources from a domain name.
SSH or Secure Shell can gain secure access to a remote computer.
SSI or Server Side Includes are commands that can be used in web pages that are processed by the web server when a user requests a file.
The SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is a protocol used to manage the security of a message transmission on the Internet.
Static IP
A Static IP is a fixed IP address, meaning that the IP will remain unchanged each login for the user.
Statistics are provided by software on web servers that keep track or usage information on website and compile it into a user-friendly format. Statistics often include how many visitors come to a site, which pages receive the most requests and how much time is spent browsing the site.
Srv Record
An SRV Record or a Service Record provides information on available services.
Support is telephone, live or email technical support provided to a registrar's customers to help with resolving technical difficulties and site issues.
T1 Connection
A T1 Connection is a phone or data connection that supports the transfer of up to 1.544Mbits of data per second. T1 Connections are commonly used by businesses and ISPs.
Tape Back-up
A Tape Back-up is a common and cost efficient way to back up web pages. Site contents are stored on a device that looks similar to a cassette for periods of time. Some cassettes can store several gigabytes at a time.
TCL or Tool Command Language is used as a scripting language and an interpreter for the language which is designed to be simple to embed in other applications.
TCP/IP or Transmission Control Protocol works with the IP address to ensure that packets reach their intended destinations successfully.
Technical Contact
A Technical Contact is typically the individual or company managing the primary domain name server.
Telnet is a command-line interface allowing remote users and Web server to communicate with each other.
Third Level Domains
Third Level Domains are the next highest level of the hierarchy below second level domains. Examples of Third Level Domains are verio, va and us.
Tom Cat
Tom Cat is an open-source application of Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies developed under the Apache Software's Jakarta project.
A Traceroute is a unix command that finds the precise location of a server that is delaying transmission on the Internet.
A Trackback sends a ping to another site equipped for Trackbacks, notifying the site that a new link was created. Trackbacks notify the author of an entry that the post has been added to another blog.
Transfer Concierge
The Transfer Concierge is the department that specializes in resolving issues that may prevent a domain transfer from being completed successfully.
TTL or Time To Live controls the number of seconds data is considered valid for.
TXT or Text Records enable users to associate some text with a host or other name. It is used to define the Sender Policy Framework information record.
UCC Certificate
A UCC Certificate is an SSL that can be used to secure multiple domain names.
Unique IP Address
A Unique IP Address is an IP used to preview a site before publishing on the world wide web, also known as a dedicated IP address.
UNIX is a computer operating system designed to be used by multiple users simultaneously and has TCP/IP built in. It is the most widely known operating system for servers on the Internet.
A URL or Uniform Resource Locator is the address defining the route to a file or any other Internet facility.
USENET is a network of thousands of News Groups on the Internet.
A UUENCODE or Unix to Unix Encoding is a method of converting images to ASCII.

Terms beginning with V-X

Video Streaming
Video streaming provides video data or content on a web page while it is being played on a remote client. This feature is used for live updates on websites.
Virtualization is a process or software that reduces server management cost through automation while giving more control over service levels.
Virtual server
A Virtual Server is a web server which shares its capabilities with multiple users or sites.
Vlogging<, or video blogging allows people to share their commentary and ideas in video shorts instead of text.
AVPS or Virtual Private Server uses a software platform which allows a hosting service provider to multiplex a single dedicated server into multiple rtual server machines This provides a private and protected web services infrastructure operating as an independent server.
WAN or Wide Area Network is a large communication network that services a geographic area larger than a local area network.
Web Based Email
Web Based Email is used when logging into an email interface online with a username and password to check and compose email messages.
Web Feed
A Web Feed allows users to subscribe to sites that update or add new content routinely.
A Weblog is an online journal of thoughts on a specific topic, usually displayed in reverse chronological order.
Windows NT/2000
Windows NT/2000 are graphic-based, multitasking operating systems developed by Microsoft in recent years. Both can act as a standalone Operating System for computers and works stations or can serve as an operating system for a website or network.
WHOIS is a central databse which tracks domains and IP registrations and lists the owner contact email, phone number and address.
XML or Extensible Markup Language is a language allowing developers to create unique markup tags. All XMLtags are defined by the programmer and may be interpreted differently in different applications.

Terms beginning with Y-Z

There are currently no terms in this section.

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