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Updating Your Contact, Registrant, Administrator, Technical, or Billing Information

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Dollar Domain
Last Updated: October 1, 2017 3:01 PM

You should keep your contact, registrant, administrator, technical, and billing information updated at all times. We use this information to notify the pertinent contact of changes or requests for your domains. You can enter different information for each of your domains.

To Modify the Information for Your Domain

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
  3. Use the checkbox(es) to select the domain name(s) you want to modify.
  4. Click Contact.
  5. To update all of the tabs with the same contact information, select Copy to all contact types.
    Go to one of the following tabs, depending on the contact type you want to update:
    The domain owner.
    The contact who can interact with the registry or registrar for the domain owner.
    The contact who manages the domain.
    The contact who receives invoices for domain registration fees.
  6. Complete the following information:
    (Optional) Organization
    The organization with which the contact is affiliated.
    First name and Last name
    The contact's first and last name.
    Address 1 and 2, City, State, Postal code
    The contact's street address, city, state, and ZIP Code.
    The country in which the contact resides.
    The contact's phone number.
    (Optional) Fax
    The contact's fax number.
    The contact's email address.
  7. If you enter a company name as part of the legal domain registrant and agree that the company is the legal registrant, select I certify that the specified organization....
  8. If you changed the registrant name and agree to the Domain Name Change Registrant Agreement, select For security purposes I authorize....
  9. Click OK.
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