.jobs Domain Name Rules
Registrations must be "yourcompanyname" .com domain, where "yourcompanyname" is either: (a) the legal trade name of the employer (minus identifiers such as "the" or "inc" or "gmbh" etc.); (b) a name by which the employer is commonly known; or (c) contains either (a) or (b).
For example: The Hewlett-Packard Development Company LP may request:
The domain can not be on one of the reserved lists, such as ICANN's reserved list, occupational (e.g., nursing.jobs, accounting.jobs) and industry (e.g., retail.jobs, manufacturing.jobs, recruiting.jobs) identifiers, geographic names (such as cities, regions, zip codes, etc.), profane words (either by themselves or in combination, such as "blow") and others (such as generic terms). .jobs will maintain these reserved lists and your requested domain name will be checked against them.
Usage Restrictions
Websites at .jobs domains may only be used to post information about your company, such as your own job postings, company culture, company information, etc.
Third party job postings (i.e., job boards) are not allowed.
Non-HR-related uses are not allowed.
The registrant is responsible for the use of the domain, including to a licensed third party.
.jobs will enforce the use restrictions and will shut down and, if necessary, cancel a registration if the registrant does not comply.
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