What is the Certified Domain Authorization and Validation Process?
The Certified Domain authorization and validation process serves to verify that the...
Who Can Apply for a Certified Domain?
Anybody who has a domain registered with us can apply for a Certified Domain. However,...
Can I Apply a Certified Domain to ANY Domain?
Currently, Certified Domain validation is only available for domains registered with us.
Overview of the Certified Domain Verification Process
The Certified Domain validation process is as follows:
Certified Domain...
Why do You Need a Phone Number to Process My Certified Domain Application?
We use the phone number you provide to place an automated telephone call, which must...
Common Reasons for Certified Domain Denial
Domain name information cannot be found If we, through our automated and manual...
Who Receives the Domain Authorization Email Messages?
Domain authorization email messages are sent to the domain's registrant and...
What Happens if One of the Steps for Setting Up a Certified Domain Fails?
If we fail to successfully complete any of the steps involved in the authorization and...
How Does the Fraud Screening Process Work?
The fraud screening process for a Certified Domain request screens the domain for a...
What Happens if My Domain is Flagged Because of Suspected Fraud?
If we determine that there is sufficient reason to suspect fraud, the Certified...
What is a Certified Domain?
A Certified Domain is a domain origination verification process that validates domain...
What are the Certified Domain System Requirements?
In order to request a Domain Origination Certified seal for your domain, your system...
What Phone Types are Allowed for the Phone Verification Step for a Certified Domain?
You may use any valid US-based or international phone number for the phone...
Who Needs a Certified Domain?
Because a Certified Domain provides visible evidence (in the form of the Domain...
What is the Duration of a Certified Domain?
Certified Domain validation is currently available with one-, two-, three-, four-,...
What Happens to My Certified Domain Validation if I Move My Web Site to Another Domain?
A Certified Domain validation is issued for a particular domain name, and the Domain...
What Happens If My Domain Registration Expires Before the Certified Domain Does?
If the registration for a domain that has been validated expires before the Domain...
What Documentation Must I Provide in Order to Obtain a Certified Domain?
You do not need to submit any documents in order to obtain a Domain Origination...
What is the Difference Between a Certified Domain and an SSL Certificate?
Though relying on somewhat similar authentication procedures — including...
How Long Does it Take to Process and Issue a Certified Domain?
Assuming that the requester follows the proper procedure, a Certified Domain request...
How Will Visitors Know That My Domain is a Certified Domain?
Once processed and issued, a Domain Origination Certified seal is added to the Whois...
Where on My Web Page Will the Domain Origination Certified Seal Display?
You can add the Domain Origination Certified seal anywhere you want on your Web site....
What Happens if I Update the Whois Information for a Certified Domain?
If changes are made to the Whois information for a Certified Domain, we instantly...