Selling Books (ISBN)
If your Quick Shopping Cart product catalog includes books, you are required to...
What are Saved Skins?
You can create and save multiple customized skins for your Quick Shopping Cart...
Creating a New Skin
You can create multiple customized skins for your Quick Shopping Cart storefront and...
Applying a Skin to Your Online Storefront
You can apply a saved skin to change the look of your shopping cart storefront,...
Updating a Skin
You can update a saved skin by replacing its settings with your current storefront...
Deleting a Skin
You can easily delete a custom skin from your list of saved skins.
NOTE: Deleting...
Using the Advanced CSS Feature
You can apply your own styles to your Quick Shopping Cart storefront using the...
Creating a Favicon
A favicon (short for favorites icon) is an icon associated with a particular Web site....
Uploading a Favicon
A favicon (short for favorites icon) is an icon associated with a particular Web site....
Adding an SSL Site Seal Image to Your Online Storefront
If you purchased an SSL certificate for your domain, you can add a site seal image to...
How do my customers receive downloaded products?
A customer purchasing a downloadable product from a Quick Shopping Cart storefront,...
Reordering Products
In Quick Shopping Cart, you can set the order in which your products display. This is...
Using the Media Gallery
Here's the Lowdown: Using the new Quick Shopping Cart Media Gallery, you can upload...
Reordering Categories
In Quick Shopping Cart, you can set the order in which your categories display. This...
Customizing Your Invoice Header and Footer
The Invoice Header and Footer are generated when a Quick Shopping Cart invoice is sent...
Removing an eBay Account from Your eBay Auction Manager
You can have only one eBay account associated with your Quick Shopping Cart eBay...
Listing an Item from your Online Storefront on eBay
To sell a product or service on eBay, you "list" the item. Quick Shopping...
Exporting Your Product List
To update the products in your Quick Shopping Cart catalog, you can export your...
Adding Visibility Features
Using the Quick Shopping Cart eBay Auction Manager, you can set specific options to...
Utilizing the Buy It Now Option
In the Quick Shopping Cart eBay Auction Manager, using either a fixed-price auction or...
Listing as Fixed-Price Auctions
You can list your item in one of two auction categories: online or fixed-price. Online...
Managing Fraud Rules
Your Quick Shopping Cart storefront allows you to enable fraud rules that check...
Blocking/Unblocking Access
You can block the origin of a particular invoice from your Quick Shopping Cart...
Viewing Your Blacklist
Your blacklisted IP list displays all the IP addresses that are prohibited from...
Setting Up Email Notices
Email notices let you receive email messages when certain events occur in your Quick...
Defining Terms and Conditions
The Quick Shopping Cart Terms and Conditions page is a separate, non-product page. To...
Working With Reports
Reports are available through your Quick Shopping Cart application for various sales...
Customizing Fonts and Colors
You can select text and background colors and apply them to your Quick Shopping Cart...
About Publishing
Publishing your Quick Shopping Cart storefront creates your online store on the...
Changing the Color Scheme of Your Storefront
You can modify the look of your Quick Shopping Cart storefront template by modifying...
Adding a Location to Your eBay Auction Manager
Location can impact the buyer's opinion and purchase decision and provide extra...
Renaming a Skin
You can rename a saved skin without changing any of its design settings. This is...