Viewing Expired Domain Name Auctions
Expired Name auctions, listed for sale on The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM), are...
Submitting Counter Offers to Sell Domains
You set the price for domains listed with one of the Offer/Counter Offer options in...
Editing Your User Account Settings
Within your account on The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM), you can edit your account...
Managing Your Account
From the My Account interface on The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM), you can easily...
Setting the Price for Domain Names
You determine the asking price for the domains you list. However, the price limit for...
Selling Domains with Offer/Counter Offer or Buy Now Listings
You can give buyers the option of submitting their own offers for your domain through...
Setting the Time to End Auctions
When you list a domain for auction on The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM), you can...
Contacting the Domain Name Buyer
After you've sold a domain on The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM), you can contact the...
Featuring Domains on Category Pages
One way you can give your domain maximum exposure is by purchasing the Category Page...
Listing Domain Auctions on The Domain Name Aftermarket Home Page
One way you can give your domain maximum exposure is by purchasing the Home Page...
Adding Certified Appraisals to Domain Names
Domain name values are based on name, name length, and the top-level domain extension....
Setting Up Text Message Alerts
In The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM), you can enable text messaging and specify the...
Changing My Reserve Price
You can lower your reserve price at any time, but you cannot increase your reserve...
Removing the Reserve Price from Auctions
You can change your active listing at the Domain Name Aftermarket to a public auction...
Cancelling Domain Listings
If you have not accepted any offers or counter offers, you can cancel a domain you...
Selling Domains by Public Auction
You can give potential buyers the option of bidding for your domain through The Domain...
Setting a Reserve Price for Domain Auctions
You can purchase the option to set a reserve price, which is the lowest price you will...
Viewing Bids for Your Listed Domain
When someone bids on the domain you listed at The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM), we...
Changing Your Password
The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) password is the same password you use to log on to...
Extending Time for Domain Auctions
You cannot extend the time for which an auction is listed on The Domain Name...
Can I upload image(s) for my domain auction?
The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) does not allow you to upload images as part of...
Retrieving Forgotten User Names
Your user name for The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) is the same user name you use...
Accessing The Domain Name Aftermarket from My Mobile Device
The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) allows you to sell, watch, and bid on domains from...
Moving My Sold Domains
The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) facilitates the transaction between you and the...
Re-listing Domains for Sale
If your domain listing at The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) ends without a buyer,...
Understanding Selling and Listing Options
The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) provides you with options for selling your domain....
Understanding Transactions on The Domain Name Aftermarket
Domain transactions begin with the domain auction. The seller lists a domain auction...
Selling Domain Names on Multiple Sites
You can offer domain names for sale on The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) and...
Editing Domain Listings
If there are no bids for the domain you listed at The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM),...
Adding Categories to Domain Name Auctions
The category you associate with a domain you list for sale at The Domain Name...
Accepting Offers or Counter Offers to Sell Domains
You can list your domain on The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM) as an Offer/Counter...
Selling Multiple Domain Names
If you have multiple domain names that you want to sell through The Domain Name...