What is a confirmed opt-in policy?
Express Email Marketing uses a confirmed opt-in policy to ensure, by email, that...
What are the rules for sending confirmation messages?
Subscribers who opt-in to your mailing list through your Web site receive a...
What are email notices?
Express Email Marketing sends email notices to subscribers when they join your mailing...
What is a campaign mailing?
With Express Email Marketing, you can create campaign mailings, or email messages, to...
How does spam affect my Express Email Marketing campaign?
Spam is unsolicited email or junk mail, however, not all unsolicited email is spam. A...
Does Express Email Marketing help me comply with anti-spam legislation?
The Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003...
Do surveys I create or the responses I receive affect my emails/year count?
No. Your emails per year count for your Express Email Marketing account is not...
How safe is my list with Express Email Marketing?
Express Email Marketing operates in a highly secure environment with fully redundant...
If I have multiple businesses, do I need more than one copy of Express Email Marketing?
Yes. Express Email Marketing is designed to help you manage subscriber and campaign...
How Do I Attract Subscribers?
Express Email Marketing helps you attract subscribers to your Web site with easy to...
What are the system requirements for Express Email Marketing?
Express Email Marketing is a Web-based application designed for the Microsoft©...
What is Express Email Marketing?
Express Email Marketing is an online service that connects you with your customers,...
What is permission-based email?
Permission-based email refers to email messages sent to subscribers who requested it,...
What are interest groups?
Organize and target your subscribers' interests appropriately by creating public or...
How many email messages can I send to each subscriber if I have the 500-Email Economy Express Email Marketing plan?
You can send as many email messages as you want to each of your subscribers, up to a...
Tips for Collecting Email Addresses
Some email collection methods can increase the amount of invalid email addresses...
Reports of spam or excessive bouncebacks will result in the suspension of your account
There is a reactivation fee to restore your account privileges if they are deactivated...
What are HTML and text email campaigns?
You can format messages in HTML or plain text. By creating HTML-formatted email...
Which Express Email Marketing plan is right for me?
Express Email Marketing lets you select the plan that is right for you and your...
What types of reports are available?
Express Email Marketing reports show you the results of your efforts in terms of...
What is a Spam analysis?
Email systems, Internet Service Providers, and individuals increasingly use software...
What are the Subscription Management pages?
Subscribers can process an unsubscribe request and update their subscriber profile...
What are standard and custom questions?
You can capture basic demographic information about your subscribers using standard...
What is an Express Email Marketing survey?
An Express Email Marketing survey is a single Web page containing a series of...
Does Express Email Marketing come with email addresses?
No, Express Email Marketing does not provide a list of subscribers for your email...
Is there a limit on the number of surveys I can create using Express Email Marketing?
The page you are looking for has been moved. If your browser does not automatically...