Bidding on Domains You Backordered
If a domain registered with us after May 1, 2017 expires, we automatically list it for auction on The Domain Name Aftermarket (TDNAM). If you placed a backorder on the domain before it expired, we applied your backorder credit to place the first bid on the domain. If there are no other bidders, you win the domain. If there are other bidders, you only win if you're the highest bidder at the time the auction ends.
If you backorder a domain that's already listed on TDNAM and there are no bids for the domain, we apply your backorder to purchase the domain.
If you win the domain, you receive the domain and a one-year renewal for the domain. We automatically move the domain to your account. However, the current registrant can reclaim the domain during the redemption grace period. If the current registrant renews the domain, we will notify you and you can apply your backorder to another domain.
For more information about bidding on domains, see Bidding or Submitting Offers for Domains.