Frequently Asked Questions
562 Search Results for “hosting”
101. What is a dedicated server?
found in
Dedicated Linux, Dedicated Windows
Unlike normal hosting plans, which put many customers' accounts on a single server, a dedicated server is reserved exclusively for the account and usage of a single customer. This means that…
102. Using the CGI Form-Mailer
found in
Linux Hosting
NOTE: This article applies only to Linux Deluxe and Premium Shared Hosting accounts. To use the CGI form-mailer create a Web form in HTML that links to the gdform.cgi script, located in the…
103. Specifying an Email Address for the CGI Form-Mailer
found in
Linux Hosting
In order to use our CGI form-mailer, you must specify an email address where you want the contents of your form sent. NOTE: This article applies only to Linux Shared Hosting accounts. To…
104. Using Windows Vista to Upload Your Site
found in
Linux Hosting, Windows Hosting
This guide briefly describes what an FTP client is and how to use Windows Vista Network Places to upload your Web site to your hosting account. You may download a PDF version to your computer…
105. How can you charge so much less for domain registration than other registrars?
found in
Domain Registration and Management
We do not purchase domains through any other company. We are a fully accredited registrar of domain names. ICANN, the governing body of domain names, has approved us as a registrar. Our…
106. Protecting Your Web Pages With a Password
found in
Linux Hosting
If you feel comfortable doing so, you can create an .htaccess file to password protect a directory in your Linux hosting account. We cannot provide instructions or troubleshooting for this,…
107. Managing Your Hosting Account Subdomains
found in
Linux Hosting, Windows Hosting
To manage your hosting account subdomains, go to the Domain Management page in the Settings section of the Hosting Control Center. A subdomain is an easy way to create a memorable Web address…
108. Can I host multiple domains on a single hosting account?
found in
Linux Hosting, Windows Hosting
Yes, in addition to your primary domain, you can host additional domains on a single Windows or Linux shared hosting account. Deluxe and Premium hosting plans allow you to point additional…
109. Can I connect to my database remotely?
found in
Windows Hosting, Linux Hosting
Unfortunately, we do not allow external connections to our database servers. When connecting to a database in your Shared Hosting account, you must access it through the Database section of…
110. Hosting Statistics Data Definitions
found in
Windows Hosting
The following terms are used within your free hosting statistics application. Successful Server Requests The number of requests where a document was returned (status code 200's or 304)…