31. What Is Included in Assisted Service Plan for my Virtual Dedicated Server?
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Assisted Service Plan
Assisted Service Plan covers the following categories of virtual dedicated server functionality: Set up Set up includes initial server configuration, including operating system and control…
32. Do you disable any ColdFusion features?
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Linux Hosting
Currently, we disable the following ColdFusion features on our shared hosting accounts: JSP, Java servlets, and Java Objects The <cfobject> tag and the createObject function…
33. Password Protecting a Directory in Your Shared Hosting Account
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Linux Hosting
The Password Protect feature allows you to limit Web access to your hosting account directories. When enabled, users must provide a valid user name and password when first accessing documents…
34. Getting Started With Your Windows Virtual Dedicated Server Using Plesk
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Virtual Dedicated Windows
This guide will assist you in getting started with your Windows Virtual Dedicated Server using Plesk as your hosting control panel. You may download a PDF version to your computer or view the…
35. Changing Your WebSite Tonight Password
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WebSite Tonight
If necessary, you can use the Hosting Control Center to change the password for your WebSite Tonight account. This is the password you use to access your WebSite Tonight account externally. To…
36. Help Glossaries
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My Account
Our products and services are user-friendly and make creating your Web presence a breeze. To help you navigate the world of the Web, our various glossaries will help define and simplify…
37. Purchasing ColdFusion for Your Hosting Account
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Windows Hosting
Before enabling ColdFusion for your hosting account, you must purchase a ColdFusion credit. NOTE: Due to compatibility issues between ColdFusion and IIS 7, adding ColdFusion to a hosting…
38. Setting Up Your Assisted Service Plan Dedicated Server
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Assisted Service Plan
This guide covers the initial set up and configuration of your Assisted Service Plan Dedicated Server and has a brief tour of two important server management tools: Plesk control panel and…
39. What is the absolute path for my Linux hosting account?
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Linux Hosting
This is the absolute path for your Linux hosting account: /home/content/1/2/3/username/html/ Where "/1/2/3/" are the first three letters of your user name and "username"…
40. Logging Into WebSite Tonight
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WebSite Tonight
There are two ways to launch WebSite Tonight. You can launch WebSite Tonight from your Account Manager or by visiting https://login.websitetonight.com/ . To log in to your account from…