271. How do I configure the FTP backup on my dedicated/virtual dedicated server?
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Dedicated Linux, Dedicated Windows
To Set Up Your FTP Backup Log in to your Account Manager. In the My Products section, select Servers. Click Launch Manager next to the server for which you requested the FTP…
272. Operating Systems Compatibility and Hosting Quick-Install Applications
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Linux Hosting, Windows Hosting
Value applications are compatible with either Windows or Linux operating systems. PHP 4 and 5 are enabled for all Linux hosting accounts. PHP 5 is enabled for Windows hosting accounts running…
273. Rebooting Your Windows Virtual Dedicated Server
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Virtual Dedicated Windows
You can request a power cycle of your server using the Virtual Dedicated Hosting Manager. To Submit a Power Cycle Request in the Hosting Control Center Log in to your Account Manager.…
274. Setting Up an Email Account for Your Dedicated Server Using cPanel
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Dedicated Linux, Virtual Dedicated Linux
Once you have set up your domain and hosting on your dedicated or virtual dedicated server, setting up email accounts in cPanel takes only a few steps. To set up email accounts, use cPanel…
275. Why do files in my icons directory not display?
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Linux Hosting
Unfortunately, you cannot use "icons" as a directory name in your Linux hosting account. If you create an "icon" directory and upload Web pages into it, it will not display…
276. Where do I upload my CGI scripts and applications?
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Linux Hosting
If your hosting account runs Hosting Configuration 2.0, server-side scripts and executables can be uploaded to any directory on your site and are not restricted to run only in the cgi…
277. How do I create a user-friendly URL for my Ruby on Rails application?
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Linux Hosting
NOTE: This article only applies to Deluxe and Premium hosting accounts running Hosting Configuration 2.0. Ruby on Rails is not supported for Java-enabled hosting accounts. When your Rails…
278. What is phpBB?
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Linux Hosting
phpBB is a PHP, open-source bulletin board application. Our shared Linux hosting accounts support phpBB using a MySQL database. For installation instructions, see Installing Hosting…
279. How often do you empty the /tmp folder on your Linux hosting servers?
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Linux Hosting
All "temp" files created in the /tmp directory on our Linux servers will be deleted if they have not been accessed for 720 hours (30 days).
280. What is the difference between webformmailer.php and gdform.php?
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Linux Hosting
Both gdform.php and webformmailer.php are form mailer scripts installed in the default scripts directory of your Linux shared hosting account. Webformmailer.php is a more recent script that…