371. What is File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?
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Linux Hosting
Using File Transfer Protocol (FTP), you can connect to a remote computer, such as a hosting server in another state, and move files from your machine to the remote machine. You can also create…
372. Can I use bbPress with my Linux hosting account?
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Linux Hosting
Yes, our Linux hosting accounts support bbPress. You must have a MySQL database set up in your account for bbPress to install. For installation instructions, see How do I install bbPress on…
373. Changing Your Traffic Facts Password
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Traffic Facts
For security reasons, it is important to keep your Traffic Facts account password secure. Anyone with access to your password can potentially manipulate the settings on your account and reset…
374. Does the Linux Economy Hosting Plan Have Zend Optimizer and GD Library Installed?
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Linux Hosting
Yes. Zend Optimizer™ for PHP4 and GD Library are installed on all Linux Shared Hosting accounts. GD Library is a PHP library that affects image resizing, among other things. Zend…
375. What is an Internationalized Domain Name (IDN)?
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Windows Hosting
An Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) is a domain name that may contain characters outside the ASCII character set. Setting up a hosting account requires that the domain name be entered…
376. Copying a Directory from One Location to Another Using the File Manager
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Linux Hosting
To Copy a Directory in Your Hosting Account From One Location to Another Using the Hosting Control Center's File Manager Log in to your Account Manager. In the My Products section,…
377. Accessing Plesk on Your Virtual Dedicated Server
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Virtual Dedicated Linux, Virtual Dedicated Windows
The Plesk control panel enables simple, convenient management of your dedicated server. To Access Your Plesk Control Panel on Your Virtual Dedicated Server Open a Web browser and go to…
378. Limitations of the Database Publishing Service in the Shared Hosting Environment
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Windows Hosting
Using your login credentials, you can perform all database actions through the Database Publishing Wizard (DPW). As such, you cannot perform any activity that is prohibited under normal…
379. Setting up a MySQL Database on Your Windows Hosting Account
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Windows Hosting
MySQL is a database server that you can use in conjunction with PHP, ASP, and other scripting languages to create dynamic Web sites. To Set up a MySQL Database for Your Web Site Log in to…
380. How do I install/uninstall DSN in my MySQL Database?
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Windows Hosting
During the database setup process you entered a description for that database. This description can be changed at any time in the Hosting Control Center. To install DSN to a MySQL database…