441. What version of ColdFusion do you use on your hosting accounts?
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Linux Hosting
We use Adobe ColdFusion MX 7 Enterprise Edition. In addition to its performance and reliability benefits, ColdFusion MX 7 Enterprise Edition allows us to create separate security sandboxes for…
442. Using war Files With Tomcat
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Linux Hosting
When deploying a .war file on a hosting account running Tomcat, the file will be exploded when the Tomcat service is restarted automatically at 1:00 a.m., Arizona time. It is not possible to…
443. What are Ruby Gems?
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Linux Hosting
Gems are the Ruby equivalent of PHP libraries. They provide built-in functionality for programming. Deluxe and Premium hosting accounts running Hosting Configuration 2.0 already have a…
444. How Do I Install Phorum on My Linux Hosting Account?
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Linux Hosting
Your Linux hosting account must have a MySQL database set up for Phorum to install. To Install Phorum on Your Hosting Account Download the most recent version of Phorum to your local…
445. How do I enable CGI error collection?
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Linux Hosting
NOTE: This article only applies to Deluxe and Premium hosting accounts running Hosting Configuration 2.0. Enabling CGI error collection allows you to view your site's error logs for a period…
446. Grid Hosting Frequently Asked Questions
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Grid Hosting
What is Grid Hosting? Grid Hosting is a flexible hosting platform that matches performance with demand. If your site's traffic spikes, Grid Hosting responds by allocating more resources and…
447. Setting a 404 Page on Subdomains and Aliased Domains
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Linux Hosting
This article relates solely to Linux hosting plans. 404 Errors on subdomains For each subdomain that points to a different folder, you need to put a new .htaccess file with executable…
448. Using the File Manager Filmstrip Feature
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Linux Hosting, Windows Hosting
The Filmstrip feature in the File Manager displays all images within a single directory in a filmstrip. In this mode, you can click an image to view it or click the arrows to view the previous…
449. Simple Control Panel DNS Configuration With Cisco PIX 501 Hardware Firewall
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Dedicated Linux, Dedicated Windows
Adding the Cisco PIX 501 hardware firewall to an existing hosting account may result in problems with the external resolution of new domains. When a new domain is created through Simple…
450. Upgrading to Plesk on Your Virtual Dedicated Server
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Virtual Dedicated Linux, Virtual Dedicated Windows
If you previously purchased your virtual dedicated server without a control panel, you can purchase the upgrade to Plesk and reprovision your server with Plesk installed. To purchase Plesk,…