Frequently Asked Questions
562 Search Results for “hosting”
211. Third-Party Web Site Creation and FTP Documentation for Your Shared Hosting Account Web Site
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Linux Hosting, Windows Hosting
Numerous third-party applications exist for the creation and/or uploading of files to your Windows or Linux shared hosting account Web site. To use these applications, you will need the…
212. Unparking (Activating) Your Domain Name
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Domain Registration and Management
Once you determine which hosting provider you will use, you must change the name server information on your account to unpark, or activate your domain name. To Unpark (Activate) Your Domain…
213. What is DotNetNuke 4.0 (DNN)?
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Windows Hosting
DotNetNuke is an open-source, extensible content management framework for creating, deploying, and maintaining dynamic, data-driven, commercial-quality Web sites. We offer DotNetNuke free with…
214. Log Files
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Traffic Facts
Traffic Facts generates reports based on the analysis of log files. Each day at a regularly scheduled interval, Traffic Facts reads the log file generated by the Web server hosting your site…
215. Can I run both PHP 4 and PHP 5 applications on my hosting account?
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Linux Hosting
Yes, if your site runs Hosting Configuration 2.0, both PHP 4 and PHP 5 applications can run on your site. By default, PHP 5 files require the .php5 extension, whereas the .php extension…
216. How Can I Configure my Server for External Web Access?
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Virtual Dedicated Linux, Virtual Dedicated Windows
Your server should already be configured for external Web access. If for some reason it is not functioning properly reboot your server. If that does not resolve the issue, please contact the…
217. Creating Directories on Your Windows Hosting Account
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Windows Hosting
Using the Hosting Control Center, you can create, edit, and customize the user permissions for directories and subdirectories on your Web site. To Create a Custom Directory on Your Windows…
218. Accessing Plesk on Your Dedicated Server
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Dedicated Linux, Dedicated Windows
The Plesk control panel enables simple, convenient management of your dedicated server. To Access Your Plesk Control Panel on Your Dedicated Server Open a Web browser and go to:…
219. What email or relay server should I use in my ASP CDONTS code?
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Windows Hosting
Use the following relay server in your ASP CDONTS code: You do not need to provide a user name and password for this relay server.
220. What name servers do I use with my virtual dedicated server?
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Virtual Dedicated Linux, Virtual Dedicated Windows
There are three steps to setting up DNS for Web sites hosted on your virtual dedicated server: Create a zone file for your domain in Plesk. Create and register domain hosts for your…